Singapore Intellectual Property News

News and Events

Lexis Nexis IP for Biotechnology Conference

27 May 2008

Dr Khoo Chong Yee will be speaking on “Patentability of Biotechnological Inventions” at the LexisNexis “Intellectual Property for Biotech: Understanding IP Valuation and Exploitation” conference.

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IP Awareness Talk: Novelty and Inventive Step

21 May 2008

Dr Khoo Chong Yee will be giving a short seminar on 29th May 2008 on the topic of “Patentability 101: Novelty and Inventive Step”.

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Thailand Accedes to the Paris Convention

9 May 2008

On 2 May 2008, Thailand (country code: TH), deposited its instrument of accession to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, thus bringing the total number of States party to that Convention to 173.

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London Agreement Comes Into Force

1 May 2008

The London Agreement is now in force, providing for the potential to reduce the translation costs for validating a European patent.

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Reduction of PCT Filing Fees for Singapore

1 April 2008

WIPO has finally approved its budget for the 2008/2009 financial year. One of the consequences appears to be a big reduction in the International Filing Fee after July 2008 for applicants/inventors who are Singapore residents or nationals.

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